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- Revolving Line of Credit
- Interest Check
- Copyright 1987
- Bottom Line Software
- P.O. Box 1804
- Burleson, Texas 76028-1804
- Table of contents
- What does this program do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- How does this program work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Installation and running the program . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- The menu screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Data Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Transaction entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- Editing transactions, (Correcting errors) . . . . . . . . . 7
- Variable rate loans, changing the rate. . . . . . . . . . . 7
- Regularly scheduled payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- The auto payment function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- Ending data input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- Printing the schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- What does this program do?
- Did the bank charge you too much interest? Did they use a
- wrong date or rate? This is a simple program to check interest
- calculations. It is not intended to print amortization schedules
- with many repetitive transactions. It is used to check other
- calculations or to print short regular or irregular payment
- schedules.
- How does this program work?
- Most transactions are expected to be on irregular dates and
- all amounts are entered manually. It can be used to print either
- regular schedules of any length but due the flexibility in the
- data entry method, it will not be as handy for such use as our
- regular amortization program.
- Installation and running the program
- To start the program, copy it to your working disk and run
- the program by typing its name, INTCHECK<RETURN>.
- The first screen is the banner, the screen identifying the
- program. press return to continue.
- The menu screen
- The main menu has only three options. First select option 6
- to set the interest accrual basis. Some banks use a 360 day year.
- Others use a 365 day year. Many banks use both. The 360 day year
- produces higher interest accruals but in some cases, its use is
- prohibited by laws or regulations. Most banks use 360 when they
- can get away with it and 365 when they must.
- First choose 360. If your calculations result in about 1.4%
- more interest than the bank is charging, change to the 365 day
- method and start over.
- Data Entry
- Now select option 1 to enter a schedule.
- You will be asked the name of the lender. This is optional.
- It will be printed on the printed report if you enter it.
- You will next be asked for the name of the borrower. This
- is optional. It will be printed on the printed report if you
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 3
- enter it.
- Next you will be asked for the initial accrual rate. This is
- the rate the bank will use to compute the interest at the
- beginning of the loan. It can be changed later if the loan is a
- variable rate loan. This is not the APR. If you were given a
- Regulation Z disclosure statement, it will state an ANNUAL
- PERCENTAGE RATE. This is not the accrual rate. The accrual rate
- will be stated in the note document using language something like
- this. "with interest at the rate of _______ percent per annum."
- If the loan is a precomputed consumer loan using the rule of
- 78ths to compute the interest accrual. This program will not
- work. for these loans you need our regular amortization program,
- For our first trial enter 12 percent.
- Next you will be asked the number of regular payments per
- year. This may be 1,2,3,4,6,12,13,24,26, or 52. Any other number
- will cause unpredictable results. If there are no regularly
- scheduled payments, enter 1.
- For our first schedule enter 12.
- Next enter the amount of the regular payment, If there are
- no scheduled regular payments, you may simply press return. For
- now, enter 325.00.
- The final request is for the type of payment. If the payment
- amount includes interest, enter 1. For example the payment amount
- is 325.00. The interest due is deducted from the $325.00 and what
- ever is left is applied to principal. Enter 1. On the other hand,
- the payment is 500.00 principal plus whatever interest has
- accrued since the last payment. do not enter 1. Simply press
- return.
- You are now ready to enter transactions, first stem through
- the sample transactions listed below to get a feel about how the
- program works.
- Transaction entry.
- Note first that the screen is divided into three areas.
- The top area is used to display the transactions in the form
- of an abbreviated amortization schedule as you enter them. The
- center of the screen is used for data entry and the bottom is
- used for a message area to give you information about what to do
- next.
- When the data entry screen is first displayed, the
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 4
- transaction number will be 1, the interest rate will be the
- initial rate you entered on the opening screen and the message
- area will display a message asking you to enter the transaction
- date.
- Enter the date. Enter all six digits but no "-"'s or "/"'s.
- The back space does not work. If you make a mistake, start over,
- the numbers you enter will appear at the right side of the date
- and push the old numbers out the left side. When you have the
- date you want, press <return>.
- these number keys 010188. The display shows 01-01-88.
- Now press 03. The display shows 01-88-03.
- Now press 3188.
- The display shows 03-31-88. You have edited the original
- date from 01-01-88 to 03-31-88.
- Now press 86. The display shows 31-88-86.
- Press <return>. A message flashes in the message area that
- tells you that is not a valid date, the date clears and the
- **-**-** pattern returns. You are now expected to enter a valid
- date.
- Enter the date 010188. Press <return>
- You are now asked to enter the total payment. Do not enter
- any amount, press <return>
- Since the balance is zero, the interest accrued is zero and
- you are asked to enter the interest payment. Do not enter any
- amount. Press <return>.
- You are now asked to enter the principal payment. Do not
- enter any amount. Press <return>.
- Now, since this is the first transaction, we must enter a
- principal amount. This amount is referred to as the draw amount.
- Usually this is the face amount of the loan but it may be any
- accrual amount actually advanced by the lender to originate the
- loan. It must be the amount on which the lender is charging
- interest.
- Enter a draw amount of 10000.00. Do not enter the commas.
- When the cents are .00 you may omit them.
- Refer to the left side of the data entry area. The beginning
- balance is zero. This is the balance at the end of the previous
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 5
- transaction. Since there was no previous transaction, the
- beginning balance is zero.
- The Ending balance is the balance after the transaction we
- just entered. It will also be the beginning balance for the next
- transaction.
- The interest rate is still 12%, the amount you entered to
- begin the session.
- The message area is offering you the opportunity to enter a
- short comment. This is optional. If you enter a comment, it will
- not disappear from the screen after you end this transaction. it
- will appear on the printed report.
- Press <return>
- You now have a menu that allows you to either accept the
- transaction as entered, or to edit, change, it. We will learn to
- edit later, press <return> to accept this transaction and edit
- the next.
- The transaction appeared at the top of the screen, and a
- message appears in the message area asking you the number of
- regular payments to post. We will do that later, press <return>.
- The data input area clears and asks for transaction 2. Enter
- the date 021588.
- The Number of days since the prior payment is calculated and
- displayed, 45. The interest accrued is also displayed. The
- interest is calculated for the actual number of days using either
- a 360 or 365 day divisor. You must set this divisor to agree with
- the number used by your bank. Almost all banks use 360.
- You are now asked for the total payment amount. Assume you
- can pay 325.00 and apply it to the interest with the remainder
- going to the principal payment. Enter 325<return>.
- You are now asked to enter the interest payment if it is
- different from the amount shown. You can pay more or less than
- the amount accrued. Normally you will pay just the accrued
- amount. Press <return>.
- You are now informed that we are paying 150.00 interest and
- 175.00 principal.
- You are given the opportunity to enter another draw amount.
- This sill usually be zero but in many commercial loans this
- opportunity might be used. Press <return>.
- You are now told the ending balance is 9,825.99, and offered
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 6
- another opportunity to comment. Press<return>.
- Again you are offered the opportunity to edit, change, this
- transaction to correct errors. Press <return> to go on to the
- next transaction.
- Ignore the number of regular payments by pressing <return>.
- The program is now ready to accept transaction 3. Enter the
- date 030188. The number of days is 15 and the accrued interest is
- 49.13. You are asked to enter the total payment amount. Ignore
- this request by pressing <return>.
- You are now asked to enter the interest payment. Ignore this
- request by pressing<return>. You have just instructed the
- computer to use the accrued interest amount for the interest
- payment.
- Now enter the principal payment. Enter 825.00.
- Again ignore the draw amount request by pressing <return>.
- Ditto for the comment request.
- Editing transactions, (Correcting errors)
- OOOOps. We made a mistake. Note that the number 2 to the
- left of the transaction date is highlighted. Press the down arrow
- key one time. The highlight dropped to the 3. Do it again, 4. Do
- it again, 5. Do it again, 6. Again, 7. Now the 7 is highlighted,
- we made a mistake in entering the principal payment. Press the
- function key F5. You are now asked to enter the amount of
- principal payment again. This time enter 1000<return>. Note that
- the entire screen has been recalculated.
- Now press the up arrow key until the 2 is highlighted. Press
- F5. Change the date to 032088. Note that the accrual days and the
- accrued interest is recalculated. You may now either leave the
- interest payment as is, or change it to the new amount. To change
- it, move the highlight to the 6. Press F5. Press <return>.
- The screen is now updated to show the new interest payment
- and the new total payment.
- Press <return> to accept the transaction.Ditto to skip regular
- payments.
- Variable rate loans, changing the rate.
- Oh yes, the bank notified us that on March 21, the rate is
- changing to 10.25%. Transaction 4 will be an interest change.
- First enter the date. Total payment is 0. Interest accrued is
- 2.94 but interest paid is 0. Enter 0 for the interest payment
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 7
- (with the number key. Do not just press return). Again enter 0
- for the principal payment and draw amount. This time we will
- enter a comment. When asked for the comment enter "New interest
- rate." Do not type the "" marks.
- After entering the comment you are at the accept or edit
- menu press the down arrow key until the 11 is highlighted the
- press F5.
- Press <return to accept the new transaction.
- This transaction appears at the top of the screen with only
- the date and the balance is unchanged.
- Regularly scheduled payments
- Now we will look at regular payments. This function may or
- may not be useful to you.
- The message section is asking for the number of regular
- payments. Enter 3<return>. Not that three transactions were
- generated by the program.
- The auto payment function is required to makes several
- assumptions any or none of which may be true.
- 1) The normal payment amount is the amount entered at the
- beginning of the session.
- 2) The interest rate will not change.
- 3) The normal payment date is one month, or year, or
- quarter, from the date of the current transaction. That
- is the day the payment is due, the 10th, 15th, 21st,
- etc. is the same as the day date of the current
- payment.
- The only assumption you can adjust is the day date. Assume
- the current transaction date is 03-15-88 and the regular payments
- are due on the first of each month.
- Accept the current payment and request no automatic
- payments. Enter the next regular payment manually. Enter the date
- as 040188, the payment amount as the regular payment amount and
- then accept the payment. Now the current date agrees with the
- regular payment schedule and you can request any number of
- regular payments. (Up to the limit imposed by your computers
- memory.) (Most computers will hold 1000 or more, this should not
- be a problem.)
- Ending data input.
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 8
- At some point you will be faced with a blank screen asking
- for a transaction but you will not have any more transactions to
- enter. Look at the schedule above and reenter the last date. If
- you have followed these instructions exactly, this should be
- 062188. If not, reenter the date on the bottom line of the
- schedule displayed on the top third of the screen. Press <return>
- repeatedly until you get the accept/edit menu message in the
- message area. Press F9. You will again be asked for regular
- payments. Press <return>.
- You are now back at the main menu.
- *********************************************************
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- Printing the schedule
- To print the schedule, select option 2 from the main menu.
- Line of Credit, Interest Check page 9